- More than 20,000 prisoners who were illegally detained in Cameroon have been released
- Prisoner registry in 10 prisons in Cameroon have been upgraded and computerized
- Facilitation of collaboration and dialogue among all those who intervene in the judiciary chain
- Prisoners have become tech pro. Over 100 prisoners receive training in Sewing, hair dressing, jewelry making each year
- over 100 prisoners become IT savvy each year. about 80 receive certificate of completion of course in the use of Microsoft word and 20 in computer maintenance etc.
- Food pantry in the prison
- Recreation in the prison (Prison week)
- Counseling services
- Health care services for prisoners
- Staff training
- Rehabilitation of ex-convicts
- We offer second and third chances to convicts and ex-convicts
- Ex-convicts in a half way home receive holistic assistance for two-and a half years during which they are prepared for smooth reinsertion into the society.
- During this time, they receive spiritual assistance, health care, social skills, legal assistance, psychological assistance and skill acquisition.
- They learn skills in cooking, house-keeping, politeness, management of personal funds, community life, sewing, bread making and IT
- They also participate in restorative justice programs during which they reconcile with their victims and family members.
Complete reinsertion of Micheal after serving his 5 years jail sentence . Micheal spent two and a half years in Les Buissonette rehabilitation center, where through the holistic approach of our multifaceted team he was supported emotionally, learned how to sew, saved some money, was assisted to buy basic requirements for his own home. He reconciled with is family and community and was prepared to go back to his community. The center gave him gifts of sewing machines and material to start off his own sewing workshop. He was helped to make a new ID card and to open his own personal bank account in his village. He was visited once a year for 3 years to evaluate how he was doing. He is very well reinserted in his community and serves the community as a tailor and responsible citizen.
We support the education of poor and abandoned children
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- We support the education of the girl child, especially those who are school drop-outs.
- We run a women center where young girls learn sewing and knitting
- We run a micro finance project which provides capital to poor women. Women are able to run small businesses and raise funds to meet their basic needs
Maraboo, 2013 and 2014 Youtube: Documentary on Jackie Atabong
13th World Congress in Cameroon, 2011.