Students on Training as Psycho-Clinical technicians












Psycho-Clinical Technicians Defending their Research Projects.








We offered educational opportunities to 74 children in the academic year 2019/2020. These children have been out of school for more than three years since war broke out in the English speaking part of Cameroon in 2016.
There are thousands of children out of school since then. These children have been displaced, lost their homes, parents, and have been out of school with little or no financial or emotional support. We sent them back to school, thanks to our benefactors. We can reach out to many more with your help.

Marie Claire graduates with a college diploma in Banking and Finance, in 2023, sponsored by SEV Foundation.


Marie Claire is a remarkable young woman who has just graduated with excellent results in the college diploma program on Banking and Finance. She is determined to attain a bachelor’s degree in banking and Finance. Although brilliant, Marie Claire lost both her parents when she was 5 years old. Her grandmother who took care of her was sickly and had no job.  Marie Claire dropped out of school after completing primary education because of a lack of finances. Her grandmother unfortunately also died when Marie Claire was 14 years old.

Fortunately, when Marie Claire came in contact with the SEV Foundation one year after she dropped out of school, she has since then been sponsored by the SEV Foundation through secondary, high school, and university. She recently graduated with a Diploma in Banking and Finance and is pursuing her BA in the same. Marie Claire is an intelligent young woman whose dignity, self-confidence, and self-reliance have been redeemed and re-assured by the SEV Foundation. Despite being an orphan, Marie Claire dreams of making a difference in her family and in the world as a banker. She expresses her gratitude to the foundation for allowing her to gain new skills and for giving her hope. At SEV Foundation, we serve disadvantaged children who aspire to impact their communities positively.

Back to School Program Academic Year 2024/2025

Girls who have been internally displaced due to the ongoing war are receiving shelter and assistance from the Sisters of St. Therese of the Child Jesus as they return. The Back to School Program aims to address the educational disruptions these girls face by ensuring they have access to shelter, and quality education, despite their challenging circumstances. The program includes counseling services, peer support groups, and activities designed to help the girls cope with the trauma and stress associated with displacement. By addressing these needs, the program takes a holistic approach that supports both academic achievement and emotional well-being, while also monitoring and evaluating progress.

Offering Education Opportunities to Girl … t. Therese at St. Joseph Oasis
Sisters of St. Therese restoring life and Dignity through Sev-Foundation.JPG
Director and Staff at Work
Restoring Hope to the Internally Displaced girl
“If you educate a man, you educate an individual. But if you educate a woman, you educate a nation.” – African Proverb
Planning for Back to School 2024-2025

SEV intends to empower local women and girls to be confident, enlightened, serviceable . SEV supports women development so that they can contribute, integrate, make and support their choices with actions, and participate in family and nation building in proactive ways.

SEV offers second chances to school dropouts:

Opportunities for training young girls in hotel management, catering, sewing, hair dressing, soap making, and processing local products like natural juices. SEV commits to training young women to acquire marketing running and in running small businesses that will enable them to become self-employed and financially self -reliant.

SEV Micro-Finance for local Women:
SEV has been running micro finance projects for local women in village communities in Sabongari for close to 17 years. This has empowered poor women in local communities and has made them self-confident and financially self-reliant. These women run their own small-businesses, pay their hospital bills, sponsor their children in school and take care of their families. SEV is committed to spread such initiatives in many more local communities.

Students of Sabongari Vocational Training Center learning how to Sew


SEV’s commitment to serve the people of God through acts of Social Justice is the backbone to all its actions. SEV preaches the gospel of Christ through acts of love, fairness and equal opportunities offered to ALL.

SEV provides Legal assistance to prisoners:

SEV offers second chances to offenders and ex-offenders. Convicts and ex-convicts are offered help through a holistic one to one, person centered/oriented care. SEV offers individual physical, psycho-social, socio-economic, legal and spiritual assistance that the needs of our clients through a multidimensional team. Core members are assisted for at least two and a half to 4 years after imprisonment, until they are well settled in their communities.

SEV’s Second Chance Opportunities
Rehabilitation of prisoners and ex-inmates

Supports the reentry process of ex-inmates

Food Pantry
We provide supplementary food supply to the most needy

Offers holistic support to victims, offenders and their families

Home, opportunities to learn new skills, creative, and to growth
We created a shelter for abused and battered girls in Douala, for women and girls who due to war have been displaced and are having a hard time.
We offer shelter, medical care, food, work or learning opportunities for free.
10 young girls who had dropped out of school due to the 2016 upheaval in Cameroon which is still on going, found shelter with us. They now have a home, are getting re-orientated and trying to restart life again. Some are in
school while others are learning a trade.

We offer safety and a second chance: Life is the highest gift we can give to each other. Offering support to single mothers abandoned to themselves, is our goal. We offer shelter to girls who are battered or abused.

In addition to the resettlement of victims and offenders, SEV runs a Restorative Justice programs that encourage healing peace and reconciliation in schools, jails, churches, communities etc.

SEV Stay Clean Program:

SEV works towards providing help to persons challenged with the use of alcohol and drugs to stay clean

We advocate for the respect of the minimum standards of the rights of prisoners and for prisoners to take responsibility and use the opportunities offered them for reformation.

SEV commits to provide clean and safe water supply to communities in an effort to promote hygiene and good health. SEV intends to provide bore holes to communities in need of clean and safe water supply each year